All my espresso machine reviews:

Delonghi EC 680/685 Dedica: a narrow and compact espresso maker with automatic dosing and a thermoblock for lovers of long coffee.
Compared to its more affordable competitors, the De’Longhi Dedica EC 680.M espresso machine looks like a classic limo next to a Hyundai Accent. There can be no doubt that its design is a success. It looks classy, respectable and expensive. The width of the full-metal body is rather impressive – only 15 cm, which makes it one of the narrowest espresso machines on the market. […]

Delonghi Icona Eco 310 and 311 Espresso Coffee Makers Review
Delonghi ECO 311 espresso coffee makers replaced the ECO 310 Icona model that had been produced since 2010. In fact, these two models have almost no differences. All inner parts remained the same. However, this can be said about almost any other espresso coffee maker of this brand. It is Simply a Matter of Marketing. The Manufacturer has Decided to Update a Product Line Every […]
Saeco XSmall HD8645/8745/8651 independent review. A smart buy?
Saeco X-Small (sometimes called Philips Saeco X-Small since Philips and Saeco are the same company now) is the cheapest fully automatic beans-to-cup machine on the U. S. market. However, the low price did not affect the quality. I highly recommend it for home use when you are on a low budget. It is suitable for one or two persons. There are the two machines that […]
Why Breville Duo-Temp 800ESXL is a Bad Choice. Independent Review
Ok, guys, I understand that a 15-bar Breville 800ESXL espresso machine looks cool. Any of Breville’s products look cool by the way. Moreover, the stainless steel body helps in this regard. However, let me explain why I’m not a big fan of Breville’s coffeemakers and why I believe that buying their machines is always overpaying. First of all, little historical overview of the brand. Breville […]