Protected: Saeco Philips Minuto Comparative Review: Pure (HD8765/47) vs Focus (HD8775/48)
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How to Choose the Right Espresso Machine or the Coffee Maker? Expert's Blog.
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Author: Dmitriy Yurchenko
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First of all I ❤ ☕
That's why I worked as a barista for three years.
After that I had a job at an Eastern European distribution company, being in charge of the coffee makers.
After yet another question "Which coffee machine should I choose?" from my friend's friend, I started my first blog in Russia. And it became popular in several years.
Because of the success of the Russian blog, I quit the job and became a digital nomad. During my travels, I discovered the same problem everywhere on the earth - there is too much marketing tricks in coffee machines sales. It's hard for people to make a choice of the best (for them!) coffee maker. That's why I started this blog in November of 2016. Hope I will help you.
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